Food Bank in Düsseldorf – There are hungry people in Düsseldorf as well

In Germany, most people think that since we live in a rich country nobody should be hungry. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different. In fact, even in a country as prosperous as Germany, there are people who cannot afford food, or at least not regularly or in sufficient quantities. At the same time, for example, vast amounts of food are thrown away in restaurants or grocery stores on daily basis. This happens for many reasons although the thrown food is still edible.

To be able to distribute the food, which would otherwise have been dumped into rubbish, to needy citizens, “Food Banks” have emerged in many cities. This idea has now developed into a great movement, which is supported by the voluntary participation of 60,000 citizens. The banks are an example of how to help people in need in our civil society. It is a movement that organizes a redistribution of food, without causing any loss on any side, since it is based on the willingness of many citizens and companies to voluntarily donate food which they cannot or do not want to consume.

The Albert Sevinc Foundation will support the effective and meaningful work of these food banks. This also honors the commitment of the thousands of honorary volunteers who contribute daily to ensuring no one stays hungry.

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